You know what's annoying? Ads you can't close, Ads that freeze and Ads that you've seen so many times that you can act them out (if they are video ads)/they make you want to tear your eyes out. Okay, that might be a little extreme but I've gotten so tired of advertisements that mean nothing to me. I like to pin photography tips on Pinterest and sometimes they involve how to photograph toddlers and infants and for a time when I was building up my photography board I was getting promoted posts about cribs, baby cloths and strollers. I wished there was a button proclaiming that I wasn't pregnant but I was just pinning for (hopefully) future business ventures. I kept hiding the promoted posts and saying I wasn't interested and I guess Pinterest doesn't have an equivalent to the 'do not call list' called the 'don't show me this again' list with my name on it. Semi long story short, I keep getting them. Its annoying.
When I'm on mobile I'm mostly browsing my social media and watching Youtube videos. I usually use Facebook to check up on family (no matter how annoying they are) and getting my news. I follow NewsChannel4 on Facebook and that's where I get my morning news, weather updates and breaking news for the state. I will click the link to read the news "article" which is full of ads and sometimes I'll get full page ads that obscure the article and the X to close it is tiny and I just give up. Sometimes the ads on that page will freeze the page and I can't do anything.
I can be checking my email and the web page will wait for the ads to load before loading my messages.
Ads are annoying, they could be a part of my job, but no one really likes them. Especially if they aren't done right.
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